Detail engineering
An important part in designing an experience is to think through all aspects, through all perspectives, and many of the details. Even when it seems like no one will encounter or appreciate them. A delighter is often found through thinking well about something that is not well enough thought about. Working on, fashioning a detail can be the ribbon on a gift, the icing on the cake—something that brings true delight. I aim to do this in the experiences that I build and one way I do so is through creating custom sounds to augment the identity and experience. A simple, unique, and meaningful sound can go a long way to convey a feeling—a collection of emotions, cultural significance, and a message—and add to a brand significantly.
In the brand design for a company I started, I decided to create audial elements to supplement the identity. Music has almost always been very important to me and I wanted to create a sound that conveyed the message of what Kuttle, Inc/Willomy stood for.
In my accessibility evaluation reports, my writings on UX, and in recent presentations, I emphasize "The 3 P's of Experience Design"—one of which is precision. And while I was a perfectionist, I know I am not perfect and Wabi Sabi and Impressionism has helped me find beauty in imperfection, which is why I included Impressionist work in this portfolio. Particularly in details, but also elsewhere where applicable, I know when to "cut my losses", so to speak, and cherish my mistakes, and feedback, as opportunities to grow and improve. I believe this to be, and practice all of this as it is, critical in the UX mindset and when designing delighters and fashioning the details.
The ship of life twists in the currents of negativity, capsized by the waves of despair, in the sea of failure. But it is the lifeboat of recovery that reaches the greatest shores of success.